Local Backyard and Urban Gleaning Projects
Recent articles in the San Francisco Chronicle, the New York Times, and the Santa Rosa Press Democrat highlight urban gleaning projects (particularly those organized by the elderly or the young) in Northern California.
- "Oakland's fruit doesn't fall far from the tree"
by Matthew E. Green [if link broken:
download PDF of article (135KB)]
- "Food Banks Finding Aid in Bounty of Backyard"
by Patricia Leigh Brown [if link broken:
download PDF of article (101KB)]
- "Neighbor, Can You Spare a Plum?" by Kim Severson
- "Sharing the Bounty" by Meg McConahey, on the Farm to Pantry project in Sonoma County
A backyard gleaning project is ongoing in the city of Santa Cruz.
A short news story on gleaning in California, "Glean a little goodness: California groups forage for fresh food" (originally in the e-newsletter of the Northern California chapter of Buy Fresh Buy Local Campaign, a project of the Community Alliance with Family Farmers), lists some of the groups throughout the state doing gleaning. More groups are growing all the time. In Sonoma County, for example, gleaning groups are now active in Cloverdale, Healdsburg, Petaluma, and West County, with a group in Santa Rosa currently organizing.
Stories of Urban, Sustainable Gardening and Gleaning Around the World
- Urban Organic Gardens in Cuba (BBC video on YouTube): food, employment, beauty ... out of necessity
- Food News: Urban Fruit Gleaning (video): Portland Fruit Tree Project from Cooking Up a Story
- "Street Farmer" (NY Times feature): Will Allen and Growing Power in Milwaukee
Partially Funded by the California Council for the Humanities, UC Santa Cruz, and INTA - TrainingWeal.