CSPI Report on Food-Borne Illnesses
The Center for Science in the Public Interest published a report in October, 2009, on the top ten sources of
food-borne illness that are regulated by the FDA. Number one is leafy green vegetables.
The story on the CSPI website
includes a link to a PDF file of the 15-page report.
List of Some Recent Outbreaks
From Carolyn Lochhead's article ("Crops, ponds destroyed in quest for food safety") in the San Francisco Chronicle 13 July 2009:
June 2009: E. coli O157:H7 found in Nestle Toll House refrigerated cookie dough manufactured in Danville, Va., resulted in the recall of 3.6 million packages. Seventy-two people in 30 states were sickened. No traces found on equipment or workers; investigators are looking at flour and other ingredients.
October 2008: Salmonella found in peanut butter from a Peanut Corp. of America plant in Georgia. Nine people died, and an estimated 22,500 were sickened. Criminal negligence was alleged after the product tested positive and was shipped.
June 2008: Salmonella Saintpaul traced to serrano peppers grown in Mexico. More than 1,000 people were sickened in 41 states, with 203 reported hospitalizations and at least one death. Tomatoes were suspected, devastating growers.
April 2007: E. coli O157:H7 found in beef, sickening 14 people. United Food Group recalled 5.7 million pounds of meat.
December 2006: E. coli O157:H7 traced to Taco Bell restaurants in New Jersey and Long Island, N.Y. Green onions suspected, then lettuce. Thirty-nine people were sickened, some with acute kidney failure.
September 2006: E. coli O157:H7 found in Dole bagged spinach processed at Earthbound Farms in San Juan Bautista (San Benito County). The outbreak killed four people, sent 103 to hospitals, and devastated the spinach industry.
Partially Funded by the California Council for the Humanities, UC Santa Cruz, and INTA - TrainingWeal.