"Toward less suffering for people and other animals in agriculture and slaughter"

TLC Ranch: A Local Model
TLC Ranch raises chickens and pigs sustainably on leased land that humans, chickens, and pigs are together reclaiming from the ravages of poor practices in strawberry farming. more ...

People, Animals, and Shared Suffering
- Eric Schlosser, "Bad Meat", 9/16/2002, The Nation
- Karen Olsson, "The Shame of Meat Packing", 9/29/2002, The Nation
- "Blood Sweat, and Fear: Workers' Rights in U.S. Meat and Poultry Plants", Human Rights Watch, 1/24/2005
- Doreen Carvajal and Stephen Castle, "A U.S. Hog Giant Transforms Eastern Europe," NYTimes, May 6, 2009: B1

Humane Animal Raising, Humane Slaughter
- "Compassion in World Farming" (Wikipedia)
- Temple Grandin's Web Page
- Certified Humane label
- "Humane Slaughter Act" (Wikipedia)

Controlled Atmosphere Stunning of Poultry
- PETA Video comparing traditional and humane slaughter methods (disturbing images)
- Temple Grandin on gas stunning
- Research Summary
- "PETA vs McDonald's", LA Times

Mobile Slaughter
- "Mobile slaughter unit said to boost meat quality", Food Production Daily
- Steve Werblow, "Going Mobile,"
- Mobile Slaughter Processing Units
- Coast Grown Mobile Harvest Unit (Central Coast)

Humane Treatment of Laboratory Animals
- Humane Society US Research Library
See also, Sustainability and Agriculture
Partially Funded by the California Council for the Humanities, UC Santa Cruz, and INTA - TrainingWeal.