Venice, the Jews, and Italian Culture

July 17-20, 2006

Sponsors: Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities

This section includes the presentations at the conference which was held during the last week of the Institute. It is organized by session. As with the institute materials, all materials are considered drafts at this stage and may not be reproduced. They are for your personal use only.

Text files are in .PDF format and can be read in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Audio files are MP3s and can be heard using Adobe Flash Player.


Monday, 17 July

15:00-17:00: New Perspectives on Venice, the Jews and Italian Culture

Benjamin Ravid: Where and How Do We Go From Here: Is Our Imagination the Only Limit?

Amos Luzzatto: The So-Called Young Scholar from Padua: Moshe Hayyim Luzzatto

17:30-19:00: Writing Italian in English

Will Wells: Translations of Umberto Saba and Sara Coppio Sullam

Cynthia Baker: Jessica

Miriam Shein: Hunting for History in Historical Fiction: The Elusive Heroine of Sotto Voce

Paul Skenazy: The "New Bible"

Q & A - Audio File

Tuesday, 18 July

9:00-11:00: Cross-Cultural Judaism

Mehnaz Afridi: Internalizing the Ghetto: Jew and Muslims in Venice

Maria Esformes: The Jewish Memoir

Amy Kaminsky: Intraculture as Interculture

Madhuri Yadlapati: Christian Ambivalence, Heresy, and the Jews

Story told by Maria Esformes, "Has bien no mires a quién" (Audio)

Q & A - Audio File

11:30-13:00: Urban Venice

Paul Michelson: Mythical Venice(s)

Michael Thaler: The Pope, Venice and the Jews

Marina Karem: Before Memory Fades Away

Q & A - Audio File

15:00-18:00: The Early Modern Jew

Karina Attar: The Exceptional Jewess and the Foolish Jews

Michela Andreatta: A Poet in the Ghetto: Leon Modena's Literary Production

Cristiana Facchini: Judaisms in the Age of Baroque, Leone Modena's Critique of Judaism

Ariella Lang: Simone Luzzatto's Discorsi: The Politics of Jewish Identity in 17th c. Venice

Q & A - Audio File

Wednesday, 19 July

9:30-11:00: Italian Jewish Music

Gabrielle Mancuso & Giovanni Mancuso: Alphabet Music: A Reading of Sefer Yetzirah

Enrico Fink: Klezmer and the Revival of Jewish Music in Contemporary Italy

Q & A - Audio File

11:30-13:00: Jewish Identity and the Curriculum

Paola Servino: Thematic Goals: Curricular Suggestions

Luis Shein: Three Ages

Kathleen Sunshine: Fiction and Film: Italy Through the Prism of History

Q & A - Audio File

15:00-16:30: Displaying Jewish Culture

Shelley Hornstein: New Eyes: Diaspora, Display, and Discovery in Jewish Museums

Paul Hamburg: Exhibiting Venetian Books: Texts in (Con)texts

Jonathan Malino: Merano, the Jews, and Italian Culture: Anomalous Familiarity

Q & A - Audio File

17:00-18:30: On The Merchant of Venice

Allene Phy-Olsen: Stage History of The Merchant of Venice

Dorset Noble: Producing The Merchant of Venice

Shirley Kagan: Playing Jessica and Portia

Robin Russin: Shelach is My Name: Prolegomena to a new play about Shylock

Q & A - Audio File

Thursday, 20 July

9:00-11:00: Performing Jewish Venice

Andrea Most, Theatrical Liberalism: Jews, Theatricality and Modernity

Ronnie Scharfman: A Midrash on our NEH Institute

Mimi Weisel: Venice of Yesterday as Reflection of Jewish Life Today

Russell Scott Valentino: Taking the Traghetto to the Ghetto; or, Performing Jewish Culture in Venice

Q & A - Audio File