Shaul Bassi -

English and Post-Colonial Literature
University of Venice Ca' Foscari


Tuesday June 17: Shakespeare's Venice
Although an immense scholarly bibliography exists for each work, surprisingly little has been written on Shakespeare's two Venetian plays together. This suggests that there may be some resistance to discussing Jews and Moors together. The lecture considers similarities between the afterlife of the two plays and includes a slideshow tour of Shakespeare's Venice.

Thursday, June 26: Notes on the Judeo - Venetian Dialect

Wednesday, July 2:
The Ghetto and Modern Literature - Dickens, Howells, and Zangwill

This was a joint lecture lead by both Murray Baumgarten and Shaul Bassi.

click here to go to the lecture

Tuesday, July 8: Caryl Phillip's The Nature of Blood
This was a joint lecture lead by both Shaul Bassi and David Buyze.

click here to go to the lecture

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           Sponsor - Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation