David Buyze

University of Vermont

David M. Buyze was born in Canada to first generation immigrants form the Netherlands. His intellectual focus is on postcolonial issues of identity, race, religion, and nationalism within the areas of comparative literature and critical theory. He received his MA at Syracuse University and Ph.D. from the University of Toronto (2005), with a dissertation entitled "The Aftertastes of Colonialism: Latin Americanism & Cultural Meaning." He has published articles on postcolonial theory and literature and his current research project is an examination of human relations through the postcolonial effects of race and national identity.


Tuesday, July 8: Caryl Phillip's The Nature of Blood
This was a joint lecture lead by both Shaul Bassi and David Buyze.

click here to go to the lecture

Wednesday, July 16:
Italo Svevo and the Psychological Racialization of Jewish Consciousness

This talk was apart of a panel with multiple speakers.

Click here to visit the panel page.

Additional Material

Introduction to Religion: Comparative - Class Syllabus
The approach of this course will use a variety of literary and theoretical writings to approach the concept of religion in interdisciplinary, comparative, and humanistic manners. We will not take the typical route of approaching a religion through studying its formal, traditional, and ritualistic aspects, for these dimensions often have little to with the “lived” and “new” experiences that shatter how religion is stereotyped through the lenses of academia and the media.

word document Syllabus

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           Sponsor - Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation