Jonathan W. Malino
Professor Philosophy
John A. Weissenfluh Professor of Ethics and Religion
Guilford College
Jonathan W. Malino is Professor of Philosophy and John A. Weissenfluh Professor of Ethics and Religion. He has taught at Guilford College since 1977. He has a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Columbia University, and was ordained a rabbi at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. He has taught at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and Columbia University. Over the years, Jonathan has maintained strong ties to Israel and Palestine, working actively for Israeli-Palestinian peace, and coordinating an annual international philosophy conference at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. Jonathan's interests include philosophy of psychology, philosophy of religion and philosophy of language, as well as various topics in Jewish studies. Together with Henry Samuel Levinson, he is writing Loving Life in the Consciousness of Impotence: An American Philosophy of Judaism. Jonathan's wife, Sara, teaches U.S. history at Guilford. They have three children and three grandchildren.