Andrea Most -
American Literature and Jewish Studies
Associate Professor
University of Toronto
Dr. Most is an Associate Professor of American Literature and Jewish Studies in the Department of English at the University of Toronto. Her book Making Americans: Jews and the Broadway Musical (Harvard University Press, 2004) won the 2005 Kurt Weill Prize for distinguished scholarship on music theatre. Other publications include articles in PMLA, Theater Journal, American Jewish History, and Modern Drama, and a chapter on Jews and comic books in You Should See Yourself: Jews and Post-Modern American Culture (Rutgers UP, 2006). She received the 2004 Polanyi Prize for Literature, as well as Research Fellowships from the American Council for Learned Societies (ACLS) and the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) for work on her new project, Theatrical Liberalism, a book-length study on Jewish self-representation in America.
Dr. Most is a member of the Executive Committee of the American Jewish Historical Society's Academic Council and a co-organizer of ReJewvenation: The Futures of Jewish Culture, an international conference that took place in Toronto in October 2005. She lectures widely on musicals and other topics in American Jewish culture and literature.