El Cobre, Cuba: Images, Voices, Histories – UC Santa Cruz



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Santo Domingo 363, Archivo General de Indias, Ministerio de Cultura, Spain.











Declaracion del Capitan Juan Moreno negro natural el Cobre de 85 años [f. 12v]

En el Lugar de las minas de Santiago del Prado en primero del mes de Abril de mil seiscientos ochenta y siete Años, el señor Beneficiado Juan Ortiz Montejo de la Camara , cura rector de la Parroquial de este dicho Lugar, Juez Comisario por el Señor Licenciado Don Roque de Castro Machado Juez Oficial Provisor y Vicario general de la Ley de Santiago de Cuba y su Distrito por su Señoria Muy Venerados Señores Dean y cabildo de la Santa Iglesia de dicha Ciudad [de Santiago de Cuba]  a[?] cargo este Gobierno temporal y espiritual de este obispado [?]de vacante para que conste de la Aparicion y milagros de la Santisima Virgen Maria Madre de Dios y Señora nuestra de la Caridad y Remedioso aparecida al Capitan Juan Moreno del cual fue recibido juramento por Dios y una cruz que hizo segun forma de derecho y prometio decir verdad de lo que supiere

[f. 13] y le fuere preguntado.

Se le pregunto lo siguiente _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Fuele preguntado como se llama, de donde es natural, que edad, estado y oficio tiene.

Dijo: que se llama Juan Moreno Negro esclavo ntural de este dicho Lugar y que fue Capitan de este dicho Lugar y que es de esdad de ochenta y cinco y cassado Y esto responde _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Preguntado declare lo que sabe en razon de la aparicion de nuestra Señora de la Caridad y remedios= 

Dijo que sabe este declarante que siendo de diez años de edad fue por ranchero a la Bahia de Nipe que es en la banda del norte de esta Isla de Cuba en compañia de Rodrigo de Joyos y de Juan de Joyos que los dos eran hermanos y Indios Naturales los cuales iban a cojer sal y habiendo rancheado en Cayo Frances que esta en medio de dicha Bahia de Nipe para con buen tiempo ir a la salina. 

[f. 13v] Estando una mañana la mar en calma salieron de dicho Cayo Frances antes de salir el sol los dichos Juan y Rodrigo de J[H]oyos y este declarante embarcados en una canoa para la dicha salina. Y apartados de dicho Cayo Frances vieron una cosa blanca sobre la espuma del Agua que no distinguieron lo que podria ser y acercandose mas les parecio pajaro y a mas cerca dijeron los dichos Indios parece ina Niña y en estos discursos llegados reconocieron y vieron la Imagen de Nuestra Señora la Virgen Santisima con un Niño Jesus en los brazos sobre una tablita pequeña y en dicha tablita unas letras grandes las cuales leyo dichho Rodrigo de Joyos y decian Yo soy la Virgen de la Caridad y siendo sus vestiduras de ropaje se admiraban que no estaban Mojadas. Yen esto llenos de gozo y alegria cojiendo solo tres tercios [?]

[f. 14] de sal se vinieron para el Hato de Barajagua donde estaba Miguel Galan Mayoral de dicho hato y le dijerno lo que pasava de haber hallado a nuestra Señora de la Caridad, Y dicho mayoral muy contento y sin dilacion envio luego a Antonio Angola con la noticia de dicha Señora al Capitan don Francisco Sanchez de Moya que administraba las minas de dicho Lugar para que dispusiese lo que habia de hacer. Y mientras llegaba la noticia pusieron en la casa de vivienda de dicho Hato un altar de tablas y en el la Virgen Santisima con luz encendida. Y con la referida noticia el dicho Capitan don Francisco Sanchez de Moya envio orden al dicho mayoral Miguel Galan que viese una casa en dicho hato y que alli pusiese la Imagen de nuestra Señora de la Caridad. Y que siempre la tuviese con Luz ....

[f. 15] ... de Moya, el cual luego que tubo la Noticia dispuso que fuese al dicho Hato de Barajagua el Padre Bonilla religioso de San Francisco y no se acuerda de su nombre, solo sabe y se acuerda que estaba administrando el curato del Lugar de las Minas del Cobre y con toda prevencion de cera le despacho acompañado de toda la Infanteriadel Real de estas Minas y mucha gente de su poblacion para que trajese a la Virgen Santisima  como lo hizo en unas Andas en procession y la pusieron en un altar en la parroquial del Lugar donde tenian a esta Divina Señora de la Caridad mientras le hacian una ermita.. Y deseando fuese en parte de su santisimo agrado le encomendaron al espiritu Santo. Y para ello le hicieron una fiesta de Misa cantada y sermon.

 Y [15v] discurriendo hacerla Santa y Hermosa en una loma que llaman la cantera se vieron tres luces arriba del Cerro de la Mina en derecho de la fuente. Y dichas luces se aparecieron y vieron por tres noches continuas con admiracion de todos y luego desaparecieron. Y por este milagro eligieron el lugar donde se veian las luces para la ermita y santa casa de esta Divina Señora de la Caridad que hoy esta en dicho cerro haciendo muchos Milagros con los devotos que le llaman. Y muchos frecuentan esta Santa Casa viniendo a novenas de la Ciudad de [Santiago] de Cuba que esta a cinco leguas pocoo mas o menos y de la Villa de San Salvador del Bayamo que esta a mas de treinta leguas.

Preguntado Diga los Milagros que han llegado a Noticia de los muchos que esta divina señora

[16] de la Charidad ha hecho con los que invocan su Divino favor desde que tiene su Santa Casa en el dicho Cerro de la Mina hasta el presente.

Dijo que son muchos los Milagros que ha hecho y hace cada dia esta Divina Señora que hoy esta en su Santa Casa como dos cuadras mas al oeste de donde se le hizo la primera casa sobre dicho Cerro de la Mina la cual se reitro pore star el terreno mas capaz porque en el de la primera casa estaba muy imediato a la mina y arriesgado como se vio que estando el hermano Mathias de Olivera…

[17v]... Venis mojada y que esto fue tan patente que se repartieron los vestidos en reliquias y en otra ocasion fue tan grande la seca que hubo que se seco el rio que pasa por medio de este lugar y la fuente que nunca se seca se seco aquella vez y pasaban mucho trabajo yendo mas de tres cuartos de legua a buscar el agua...

[18]... todo lo qual es la verdad y asi lo afirma como Cristiano leidosele de verbo ad verbum hallo esta su declaracion estar bien escrita y se ratifico. No firmo porque dijo no saber escribir. Firmalo de que doy fe,

El Beneficiado Juan Ortiz Montejo de la Camara ante mi, Antonio Gonzales de Villareal note mas que-----------...







Deposition of Captain Juan Moreno black [slave] native of El Cobre, 85 years old [f. 12v]

In the place of the mines of Santiago del Prado on the first of the month of April, 1687, the Señor ecclesiastic incumbent Juan Ortiz Montejo de la Camara, priest of the Parish of this place, Commissary Judge by the Senor Lic [title, Esq.] Don Roque de Castro Machado, Official Judge, Provisor, and Vicar general of Law in Santiago de Cuba and its District for His Lordship, Very Venerable Senores Dean and the Holy Chuch council of the said City in charge of the temporal and spiritual Governement of this vacant  bishopric for the record of the Apparition and miracles of the Most Holy Blessed Mother of God and our Lady of Charity and Remedies, who appeared to Captain Juan Moreno who gave oath by God and a cross that he made as rightful procedure and he promised to say the truth [and nothing but the truth] of what he knew

[f. 13] and was asked

He was asked the following _ _ _ _ _ _ _

He was asked his name, where he is a native from, his age, state and occupation:

He stated that his name is Juan Moreno, Black [slave], native of this said Place [El Cobre] and that he was Captain of this said Place and that he is 85 years old and he is married. And he responds_ _ _ _ _ _

Asked declare what you know in relation to the apparition of our Lady of Charity and Remedies=

He stated that that this deponent knows that when he was ten years old he went as a peon  to the Bay of Nipe which is in the north part of this Island  in the company of Rodrigo de Joyos and of Juan de Joyos who were brothers and native Indians, and were going to pick salt having camped in Cayo Frances which is in the middle of the said Bay of Nipe so that with good weather go to the salt mine.

[f. 13v] One morning before sunrise when the sea was calm Juan and Rodrigo Joyos and this deponent left  Cayo Frances embarked in a canoe headed for the salt mine.

And at some distance from Cayo Frances they saw a white thing [floating] over the foam in the water [but] they could not make out what it could be. And drawing nearer it looked to them like a bird and even closer, the Indians said that it looked like a Girl. And in this discussion they got closer and recognized and saw the Image of Our Lady the Holy Virgin with a child in her arms standing over a small plank and in the said plank there were big letters which Rodrigo de Hoyos read and they said I am the Virgin of Charity. And they were astonished that although her garments were made of cloth they were not wet. And full of joy and happiness picking only three thirds [?]

[f. 14] of salt they returned to the cattle ranch [hato] of Barajagua where Miguel Galan, the overseer of the cattle ranch was and they told him what had happened [in] having found our Lady of Charity. And the overseer, very happy and without delay, sent immediately Antonio Angola with the news about the Lady to the Captain don Francisco Sanchez de Moya who administered the mines of the Place [of EL cobre] so as to dispose what was to be done. And while the news arrived they placed in the residential House of the cattle ranch a wooden altar and over it they placed the Holy Virgin with a light. And with the news don Francisco Sanchez de Moya sent an order to the overseer Miguel Galan to make a house in the cattle racnh and to place the Image of  our Lady of Charity and always keep her with a Light …

[f. 15]... de Moya who after receiving the news determined that Father Bonilla, a Franciscan friar, that he does not remember his name and he only knows and remembers that he was administering then the CURATO [parish] of the Place of the Mines of El Cobre go to the cattle ranch of Barajagua  with a good provision of wax. [Cap. Moya] dispatched him in the company of all the Infantry of the Royal jurisdiction of these Mines and many people from its settlement to bring the Holy Virgin, as he did, on shoulders in a procession. They put her in an altar in the parish church of this Place where they kept this Divine Lady of Charity until they built her a hermitage. Wishing that [the hermitage] bring about her holy satisfaction they entrusted it to the Holy Spirit and to do so they made a celebration with a sung Mass and sermon.

[15v] Deciding to make [the hermitage] Holy and Beautiful on top of a hill called “of the quarry” they saw three lights over the Hill of the Mine in front of the fountain. And to the admiration of all,  those lights appeared and were seen during three consecutive evenings and then they disappeared.  And due to this miracle they chose the place where they had seen the lights for the hermitage and holy house of this Divine Lady of Charity who today is in the said hill performing many Miracles with the devotees who call on her. Many frequent this Holy House coming to do novenas from the City of [Santiago de] Cuba which is five leagues more or less  and also from the Villa of San Salvador del Bayamo which is more than thirty leagues away.

Asked Tell the Miracles that have become known of the many that this divine lady

[16] of Charity has performed for those who invoke her Divine favor since she has her Holy House in the said Hill of the Mine and until the present.

He said that many are the Miracles that this Divine Lady had performed and performs each day in her Holy House which is about two blocks to the west of where the first one was built over the said Hill of the Mine. And  [the location] was changed because the terrain was more appropriate [here] since the first house was located too close to the mine and was dangerous as it became evident when [one day] as brother Mathias de Olivera…

[17v] ... You come back wet and that this was so evident that relics of [the Image's] garments were distributed and on another occasion there was such a great draught that the river that runs through the middle of this Place went dry and the fountain which never dries up did so that time and they were having many troubles having to go for water [a distance of] more than three fourths of a league...

[18]... all of which is the truth and he affirms it as a Christian. Having read to him this his deposition verbo ad verbum [word for word] he found it well written and it was ratified. He did not sign because he said he did not know how to write. Signed of which I give witness to, by the ecclesiastic incumbent Juan Ortiz Montejo de la Camara before me, Antonio Gonzales de Villareal, note that ------...